miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2011

I need us dollars

I need some US dollars........An european bank has called to the door of the ECB to ask liquidity in US dollars. Who is it?
BNP Paribas

domingo, 18 de septiembre de 2011

German banks would need to raise capital

Surprise, surprise! German banks....what? Yes, german banks. What's wrong with them? The 10 more bigest banks of Germany would need around 125,000 million € to equilibrate their balance sheets. If this was truth, the eurozone would hurt of death, dying, between the border of being or not being.

There is an economic monetary union........but to solve definetely our problems, the future pass for creating a fiscal union and create an european finance ministry......So what's the problem? The member states are not willing to lose more sovereignty.

viernes, 2 de septiembre de 2011

How to break a big spanish company built in years in just some days

Bad times for Spain due crisis, but worse for REPSOL, the most largest spanish petroleum company and at the top 20 on the oil companies. One of its shareholders, the spanish construction company SACYR Vallehermoso is allied with the mexican petroleum company PEMEX. The aim, break up REPSOL, PEMEX will stay with all the assets in the american continent and SACYR will stay with the money of the sell of those assets.

domingo, 27 de febrero de 2011

The ECB's race

After the favourite for the presidency of the ECB, Axel Weber, stepped down. There are names fighting into the ECB's race:

-Mario Draghi (presindent of the italian central bank)
-Yves Mersch (president of the Central Bank of Luxembourg)
-Jürgen Stark (chief economist of the ECB)
-Klaus Regling (boss of the european rescue fund)
-Neut Wellink (president of the ducth central bank)
-Erkki Liikanen (president of the finnish central bank)
-José Manuel Fernández Páramo (member of the executive committee of the ECB)

It is the turn of Germany to choose the next president, so it could be german, Stark or Regling. Or also, german speaking, Mersch. The favourite now is Draghi, but he has against of himself, his past in Goldman Sachs.